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Project description

The ARTEMIS project aims to make primary schools safer and more supportive places for students by addressing the issue of peer-to-peer sexual harassment, which involves inappropriate behaviors between students. This problem, which is worsening in primary schools across Europe, affects learning and the school environment. ARTEMIS seeks to help teachers understand the causes of this phenomenon, teach them how to intervene appropriately, and create safe and inclusive learning environments.

Project objectives

1. Help primary school teachers better understand gender diversity and how it relates to peer-to-peer sexual harassment.
2. Improve the ability of primary school teachers to manage cases of sexual harassment.
3. Foster collaboration between different organisations to achieve a greater impact in the fight against sexual harassment.

Project results

– No Harassment Zone: An Essential Guide for Primary School Teachers
– Short Films: “Unwanted Contact: The Wrong Way to Make Friends” and “When Teasing Goes Too Far: Words that Hurt”

Dr. Michael Brown

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