Co-Education in Green

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Project description

The “Co-education in Green” project aims to promote community environmental education through project-based learning. Although primarily aimed at adult educators, its scope encompasses the participation of students, including those with special needs, as well as the local educational community. The main beneficiaries are adult educators, adult students, especially those with special needs, and the educational community. The project focuses on strengthening competencies in community education, addressing environmental problems and improving accessibility for people with special needs. Additionally, it seeks to enhance leadership and motivation skills. The impacts of the project are expected to extend beyond the participating local communities, reaching regional, national and international levels. The project will promote international cooperation for the transfer of knowledge and experiences related to the co-creation of shared green spaces. Likewise, it will establish a sustainable network of actors committed to the transformation of spaces into greener areas, addressing various problems that communities face in relation to their natural environment and social inclusion. In its pedagogical approach, non-formal community learning seeks to promote fundamental values such as non-discrimination, active citizenship, integration in diverse contexts and protection of the natural environment.

Project objectives

The project aims to provide tools for adult educators to become leaders in their local communities. It seeks to promote cooperative projects to transform shared spaces into greener and more accessible areas, with the purpose of promoting social inclusion, promoting common values, encouraging participation and addressing environmental problems.

Project results

Methodology for creating shared green spaces and implementation procedures. Online training kit, to improve the competencies and skills of educators in environmentally-oriented cooperative education through the collaborative transformation of shared spaces into accessible green areas. Manual for adult educators and educational centers on how to co-create multi-sensory gardens for adults with special needs. The outcome will include the organization of a multi-sensory garden co-creation event in all partner countries.

Dr. Michael Brown

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