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Project description

The Move and Act project aims to engage young people, especially those from marginalized backgrounds, and help them develop their artistic and digital skills. The target groups of this project include young people with disabilities who are neither studying nor working, immigrants and young people involved in the arts, whether professional or amateur. These groups are considered more vulnerable, and have been affected by the recent pandemic and the economic crisis of the last decade, which affected most European countries. The results and activities of Move and Act are expected to have a positive impact on the employability of beneficiaries.

Project objectives

  1. Develop artistic (visual arts) and digital (3D design, printing and scanning) skills for young people from marginalized areas. Create a network of young people at risk of social exclusion, provide entrepreneurship tools and share interest in the visual arts. Give young people from marginalized areas the opportunity to raise their voices to talk about personal challenges or those of their communities through a PhotoVoice online contest and exhibition.

Project results

  • Move & Act training program (artistic and digital skills. Move and Act digital center Move & Act PhotoVoice online competition and exhibition.
Dr. Michael Brown

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