Parenting For Youth

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Project description

Early school leaving and poor academic performance are priorities of the Europe 2020 agenda in terms of addressing the problems of poverty and social exclusion. The lack of early attachment is the basis of emotional resistance and other factors that contribute to school dropout and social exclusion. Experts maintain that attachment theory states that a strong emotional and physical bond with at least one caregiver is essential for personal development. Considering this, partners have identified the need to address this sensitive aspect of education by creating a non-formal training best practice resource to raise awareness among parents and provide support to young people. Partners are developing best practice training resources, which will establish synergies between partners from different cultural backgrounds and working in different fields of education, training and youth. This resource will be useful to those working in higher education, with young people, in school education and in health and youth settings and will include a comprehensive assessment of the various practices exchanged and exploited over the life of the project. To this end, international workshops will be organized in each country where partners will learn new strategies and techniques to use upon their return with young people in their usual activities.

Project objectives

The objective is to address this issue from a transversal perspective, involving different types of organizations with diverse knowledge and areas of action.

Project results

Training material on the topics of motherhood, mental health, pregnancy and baby care. Webinars

Dr. Michael Brown

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