Ready Teddy, Go!

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Project description

The Ready Teddy Go! project focuses on students with special educational needs, often excluded from traditional classes and assigned to special classes within the same school or to a specific school. Upon reaching adulthood, these students face discrimination in various aspects of life, experiencing difficulties in establishing social relationships and accessing professional opportunities. In order to counteract the risks associated with this discrimination, the project aims to develop key skills and expand knowledge through an innovative approach. To achieve this, an avatar called TEDDY will be created, equipped with a multi-modal system designed to address the specific learning and teaching needs of young students with special educational needs. This avatar will help you display your skills and enhance your qualities.

Project objectives

Promote inclusion and diversity in all areas of education. Address digital transformation by developing digital readiness for students with SEN and teachers/educators. Improve the adaptability and capacity of students and education professionals. Strengthen the social, civic and digital literacy skills of students with SEN.

Project results

• E-Compendium: List of existing solutions and practices to promote key competencies in students with SEN. • Online Training Course for Teachers and Educators with guidelines and advice for parents of students with SEN. • TEDDY Avatar: Aimed at students with SEN from 9 to 14 years old. • Electronic Platform

Dr. Michael Brown

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