We Are Colorful

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Project description

Diversity in European schools, spanning cultural backgrounds, economic status and social inequalities, presents significant challenges. Lack of understanding in the cognitive, social and emotional development of students has been identified as a critical area by many schools. The WE ARE COLORFUL project focuses on the prevention, identification and mitigation of problems that arise in classrooms due to differences between students. Our hypothesis maintains that these differences can be linked to four independent but interactive dimensions: 1) neurodevelopmental disorders, 2) learning styles and processes, 3) cultural diversity and 4) social inequality. Target groups: school teachers and educators, staff working with primary school children (ages 7-10) and the school educational community.

Project objectives

Provide theoretical and practical instruction on cultural diversity and social inequality in classrooms, as well as on developmental disorders and different learning processes. Carefully select psychological, pedagogical and neuroscientific data so that they are exhaustive and applicable to schools by educators not trained in the area. Equip teachers with the necessary tools and strategies to detect and solve problems caused by cultural diversity and social disparities and differences in the development and learning process of children. Develop new methods that can be used to detect learning difficulties and implement solutions. Raise awareness of the problems and difficulties that can occur in the classroom as a consequence of the diversity of students and the lack of preparation and resources of teachers to reduce them. Promote action plans focused on interaction processes in classrooms with an inclusive approach. Establish international and intersectoral cooperation through the transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices.

Project results

• Development of an online course for the school educational community “How to turn diversity into our ally.” • Set of tools for detecting learning difficulties and socio-affective problems. • Development of videos and workshops to promote cultural diversity, intellectual variability and developmental differences among students.

Dr. Michael Brown

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