El projecte Autherapies pretén dur a terme una revisió de les teràpies basades en l’evidència per a persones amb TEA (Trastorns de l’Espectre Autista), acordarà habilitats necessàries per a discriminar entre teràpies, i desenvoluparà un curs de formació per persones amb TEA, familiars i professionals en formació i pràctica.
Paral·lelament, es desenvoluparà una campanya de divulgació i conscienciació per a generar crítiques als mitjans de comunicació europeus i promoure l’ús i la tria de teràpies basades en l’evidència per al TEA.
To improve the skills of people with autism, their families, and key workers, both active and in training (undergraduate and postgraduate students) when choosing evidence-based therapies and interventions.
To develop responsive training tools according to the needs of the users and their learning level and to make the necessary adaptations so that any person, regardless of their limitations, can understand, navigate, and interact with the structure of the web and its contents to promote learning.
To disseminate the existence of training tools and to train a sufficient critical mass of patients, families and workers and professionals at European level to promote the use of evidence-based therapies for autism.
To contribute to the inclusion and participation of people with autism in decision-making about their own therapeutic processes, in accordance with the standards of person-centered medicine and empowering patients to manage their own health conditions.
Promote the inclusion of evidence-based therapeutic decision-making in the training curricula of healthcare and educational staff across Europe.
“Comparative index of evidence-based therapies for autism, online database and competency definition.
Online training courses for people with autism, family members and professionals.
Training for people with autism, family members, professionals and other stakeholders.”
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Som una organització sense ànim de lucre amb la seu a Reus que treballa per fer possible que joves i adults puguin participar en programes europeus.
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