Parents United

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Project description

Our project aims to facilitate the collaboration of parents of people with disabilities in promoting best practices in sexual education and the social inclusion of their children. We seek to provide parents and caregivers with the information and tools necessary to understand their children’s sexuality. We aim to provide people with disabilities with what they need to recognize their inherent needs and desires, explore their intimacy and sexuality, and live fulfilling lives. We aspire to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive society that values and supports the diverse needs and desires of all people, thus promoting social inclusion and sexuality education for all.

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities through formal and informal learning pathways aimed at parents to help improve the emotional and sexual self-knowledge of their children. We seek to spread the importance of supporting people with disabilities by providing them with the necessary tools to learn to improve their interpersonal skills, intimacy and intimate and/or sexual relationships, with the active collaboration of parents. In relation to the training of parents, we want to offer knowledge and the necessary tools to start a conversation about the emotional, sentimental and sexual sphere of their children. In this way, we provide people with disabilities with sexual education and facilitate the social inclusion process of all those involved in the improvement of these areas.

Project results

  • Design and offer sexual education courses aimed at parents of children with disabilities. Create a set of questions and answers for parents, providing accurate information on sexual education for their children. Develop educational sessions on sexuality for families, with the aim of promoting intergenerational dialogue. Interact with parents through collaborative activities to strengthen understanding and communication.
Dr. Michael Brown

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