Take Action

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Project description

The project “TAKE ACTION – Citizenship education for an inclusive and sustainable future” seeks to increase the social and civic competences of young Europeans. Its approach includes the transfer and adaptation of an effective learning methodology, as well as improving the capabilities of educational institutions to provide tools and knowledge that encourage active participation of students in society. Various organizations are involved in the project, such as associations, private education providers, universities and secondary schools, with the aim of adapting and developing a teaching curriculum based on the “Action Civics” curriculum created by Generation Citizens, an organization based in the United States.

Project objectives

The central premise that stands out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals adopted in 2015 is the motto of “Leaving no one behind.” Although sustainable development is a shared concern, young people play a unique and crucial role in building a sustainable society. They act as agents of change and are rights holders in this transformation process.

Project results

• Curriculum that promotes long-term civic engagement and builds collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills that students will need throughout their lives. • E-learning course aimed at teachers to allow transferability of the curriculum.

Dr. Michael Brown

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