Digital Art for Learning, Inclusion, Equity and Diversity” The explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted more evidently than ever that youth not only depend on technologies in their free time, but in multiple aspects of their lives. Educators have highlighted art as a fundamental means for people to express themselves and connect with others. Beyond its ability to entertain, art expands people’s ability to communicate, express their thoughts, and build ties with their community. The objective of this project is to enhance the knowledge and skills of young workers in the field of digital art. This will allow them to better understand the experiences of youth, strengthen their motivation, self-esteem and belief in themselves, which, in turn, will provide them with more opportunities in the labor market and an active role in society. It will contribute to the creation of diverse and inclusive communities by improving the quality of youth work, equipping them with the necessary competencies and skills and empowering youth. The project will pay special attention to youth’s feelings of integration into society, prioritizing the development of digital skills through creativity and art. In addition, awareness of the importance of social inclusion in youth networks will increase. Its main objective is to enhance the skills, competencies and knowledge of young workers in ICT tools to create inclusive environments in their daily practices.
The project aims to: Raise awareness among young people about the importance of resilience through their active participation in formal and informal cultural and artistic activities. Improve the quality of youth work using new and innovative tools that support the creative potential of youth. Strengthen the tools and skills of young workers to increase the social inclusion of youth, improving their access to the labor market. Improve the artistic and creative tools and skills of young people through the use of new tools and technologies.
map of tools and skills of young workers in the country of each of the partners and at European level. Methodology and training framework of the online preparation KIT in Digital Art. An Online preparation KIT for young workers. A set of Open Badges for the validation of skills of young workers in an informal and formal context.
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We are a non-profit organisation based in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults get involved in youth work to participate in European programmes.
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